Engage, localise, evaluate

Mobile survey and quiz solution, in real time and mapped.

Spontaneous digital engagement:
QR code usage is seeing strong growth, especially since the start of the Covid-19 health crisis (a source of information and reassurance).

The objectives

A technological tool that can measure targeted data (SPC, ages, profiles, etc)

Geolocation of smartphones with a configurable and customisa-ble questionnaire

Data management via a dashboard updated in real time, qualified DATA and GDPR

Audience information tool – management of question weighting

Copyright © GeorgeJMCLittle

The benefits

An easy, quick, cost-free and secure process

Open access with no need to download an app

Direct user login: the signal is received and the session opens

Access to specific information, useful contacts, in real time and depending on the localisation point

Flash & Diag can be used on all types of platform (Web, TV, SM, print etc)
Open, universal, app-free access